View Javadoc
1 /*
2 * Created on Oct 26, 2003
3 *
4 * To change the template for this generated file go to
5 * Window>Preferences>Java>Code Generation>Code and Comments
6 */
7 package portaview;
9 import java.util.Observable;
11 import portaview.model.PortaViewModel;
12 import portaview.view.PreviewView;
14 /***
15 * Panel to preview the image. This is the controller pattern in the MVC model.
16 * @author William Lee
17 */
18 public class Previewer extends AbstractViewer
19 {
20 /***
21 * Constrcuts the previewer.
22 * @param model
23 */
24 public Previewer(PortaViewModel model)
25 {
26 super(model);
27 setView(new PreviewView(model, this));
28 }
30 /***
31 * Does nothing for now. The componts within this will perform
32 * the appropriate updates.
33 * @see java.util.Observer#update(java.util.Observable, java.lang.Object)
34 */
35 public void update(Observable o, Object arg)
36 {
37 }
39 }
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