View Javadoc
1 /*
2 * Created on Nov 14, 2003
3 *
4 * To change the template for this generated file go to
5 * Window>Preferences>Java>Code Generation>Code and Comments
6 */
7 package portaview.server;
9 import portaview.Log;
10 import portaview.Registry;
11 import portaview.model.PortaViewModel;
12 import portaview.model.SlideSettings;
14 /***
15 * Thread that updates the displayer every seconds and see if you need to
16 * advance to the next slide.
17 * @author William Lee
18 */
19 public class SlideRunner extends Thread
20 {
21 private boolean shutdown = false;
22 private int POLL_TIME = 1000;
23 private long nextRefreshTime = 0;
25 /***
26 * Polls every second and see whether the current PortaView needs to change its picture.
27 */
28 public void run()
29 {
30 while (shutdown == false)
31 {
32 try
33 {
34 Thread.sleep(POLL_TIME);
35 if (shutdown)
36 break;
37 PortaViewModel pm =
38 Registry.getMainApplication().getThisPortaViewModel();
39 SlideSettings ss = pm.getSlideSettings();
40 // if the slide is in pause mode, we just want to go on.
41 if (ss.getPlayState() == SlideSettings.PAUSE)
42 continue;
43 // Otherwise, test for the time whether the time you
44 // need to refresh
45 if (System.currentTimeMillis() > nextRefreshTime)
46 {
47 Log.debug("Time's up at " + System.currentTimeMillis());
48 // advance to the next slide.
49 pm.nextSlide();
50 // set the next notify time
51 nextRefreshTime =
52 System.currentTimeMillis() + (ss.getSpeed() * 1000);
53 }
54 }
55 catch (InterruptedException e)
56 {
57 if (shutdown)
58 break;
59 }
60 }
61 }
63 /***
64 * Sets the next refresh time.
65 */
66 public void setNextRefreshTime(long time)
67 {
68 nextRefreshTime = time;
69 }
71 /***
72 * Shutdowns the thread.
73 */
74 public void shutdown()
75 {
76 shutdown = true;
77 this.interrupt();
78 }
80 }
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