View Javadoc
1 /*
2 * 2003 (c) All rights reserved.
3 */
4 package portaview;
6 import java.awt.BorderLayout;
7 import java.awt.Component;
8 import java.awt.Dimension;
9 import java.awt.event.WindowAdapter;
10 import java.awt.event.WindowEvent;
11 import;
12 import;
13 import java.util.List;
14 import java.util.Vector;
16 import javax.swing.BorderFactory;
17 import javax.swing.JFrame;
18 import javax.swing.JLabel;
19 import javax.swing.JOptionPane;
20 import javax.swing.JPanel;
21 import javax.swing.JScrollPane;
22 import javax.swing.JSplitPane;
23 import javax.swing.JTextArea;
24 import javax.swing.SwingConstants;
26 import org.apache.commons.cli.CommandLine;
27 import org.apache.commons.cli.CommandLineParser;
28 import org.apache.commons.cli.Options;
29 import org.apache.commons.cli.ParseException;
30 import org.apache.commons.cli.PosixParser;
32 import portaview.model.AlbumModel;
33 import portaview.model.PortaViewCollection;
34 import portaview.model.PortaViewModel;
35 import portaview.server.PortaViewClient;
36 import portaview.server.PortaViewServer;
37 import portaview.server.Repository;
38 import portaview.view.AlbumPanel;
39 import portaview.view.PortaViewPanel;
41 /***
42 * This is the main PortaView class. Essentially it contains two things.
43 * The PortaView Manager and PortaView displayer. It also initializes the
44 * necessary XML-RPC server so remote host can talk to this instance.
45 *
46 * @author William Lee
47 *
48 */
49 public class PortaViewMain extends DefaultFrame
50 {
51 private static int WIDTH = 1024;
52 private static int HEIGHT = 700;
54 private static JTextArea _debugPanel = new JTextArea(70, 1000);
55 private Displayer displayer = null;
56 private Previewer preview = null;
57 private PortaViewModel thisPortaViewModel = null;
58 private PortaViewPanel portaViewPanel = null;
59 private AlbumPanel albumPanel = null;
60 private List albums = null;
61 /***
62 * Indicates whether the display is active.
63 */
64 private boolean displayActive = false;
66 /***
67 * Constructs the main PortaView application, given the command-line arguments.
68 * @param args command-line arguments.
69 * @throws Exception if the initialization routine goes wrong.
70 */
71 public PortaViewMain(String[] args) throws Exception
72 {
73 super();
74 initRegistry(args);
75 albums = new Vector();
76 thisPortaViewModel =
77 new PortaViewModel(
78 Registry.getServer().getName(),
79 Registry.getServer().getInetAddress(),
80 AlbumModel.getEmptyAlbumModel());
81 initDisplayer();
82 setTitle(
83 "PortaView Manager: Current PortaView: ("
84 + Registry.getServer().getName()
85 + ")");
86 initManager();
87 }
89 /***
90 * Initializes the displayer.
91 *
92 */
93 public void initDisplayer()
94 {
95 displayer = new Displayer(getThisPortaViewModel());
96 }
98 /***
99 * Initializes the manager.
100 */
101 private void initManager()
102 {
103 setSize(WIDTH, HEIGHT);
105 // Generate the PortaViewPanel
106 JPanel pvpanel = new JPanel(new BorderLayout());
107 pvpanel.add(
108 WidgetFactory.createCenteredLabel("PortaViews"),
109 BorderLayout.NORTH);
110 /*
111 pvpanel.add(
112 new JLabel("( * ) You are at this PortaView"),
113 BorderLayout.SOUTH);
114 */
115 portaViewPanel =
116 new PortaViewPanel(Registry.getServer().getRegisteredPortaViews());
117 portaViewPanel.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(150, 500));
118 pvpanel.add(portaViewPanel, BorderLayout.CENTER);
120 // Generate the AlbumPanel
121 JPanel apanel = new JPanel();
122 apanel.setLayout(new BorderLayout());
123 JLabel albl = new JLabel("Albums");
124 albl.setHorizontalAlignment(SwingConstants.CENTER);
125 albl.setVerticalAlignment(SwingConstants.CENTER);
126 albl.setBorder(BorderFactory.createEtchedBorder());
127 apanel.add(albl, BorderLayout.NORTH);
128 albumPanel = new AlbumPanel(Registry.getServer().getAlbums());
129 //albumPanel.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(150, 500));
130 apanel.add(albumPanel, BorderLayout.CENTER);
132 // this is experimental implementation of the display panel.
133 PortaViewModel pvm = getThisPortaViewModel();
134 // Initialize the displayer controller
135 preview = new Previewer(pvm);
137 JSplitPane rightPane =
138 new JSplitPane(
140 preview.getView(),
141 apanel);
143 JSplitPane mainPane =
144 new JSplitPane(JSplitPane.HORIZONTAL_SPLIT, pvpanel, rightPane);
145 getContentPane().add(mainPane);
146 }
148 /***
149 * Prints out a debug message.
150 * @param str message to print
151 */
152 public static void debug(String str)
153 {
154 System.out.println(str);
155 _debugPanel.setText(_debugPanel.getText() + str + "\n");
156 }
158 /***
159 * Constructs a debug panel.
160 */
161 public static void configureDebugPanel()
162 {
163 _debugPanel.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(300, 50));
164 }
166 /***
167 * Sets up the PortaView server based on the command line argument
168 * @param cmd the command line arguments.
169 */
170 private void setupServer(CommandLine cmd) throws Exception
171 {
172 boolean isMaster = cmd.hasOption("m");
173 String name = "(No Name)";
174 String masterIP = "";
175 String pvIP = "";
176 String repo = "albums";
177 int port = 8888;
179 if (cmd.hasOption("n"))
180 {
181 name = cmd.getOptionValue("n");
182 }
183 if (cmd.hasOption("c"))
184 {
185 masterIP = cmd.getOptionValue("c");
186 }
187 if (cmd.hasOption("i"))
188 {
189 pvIP = cmd.getOptionValue("i");
190 }
191 if (cmd.hasOption("a"))
192 {
193 repo = cmd.getOptionValue("a");
194 }
195 // Creates the Server
196 Registry.setServer(
197 new PortaViewServer(
198 name,
199 InetAddress.getByName(pvIP),
200 InetAddress.getByName(masterIP),
201 new Repository(new File(repo)),
202 Consts.XML_RPC_PORT));
203 Registry.setClient(new PortaViewClient());
204 }
206 /***
207 * Parses the command line argument.
208 * @param args arguments passed from the command line arguments.
209 */
210 private void initRegistry(String[] args) throws Exception
211 {
212 CommandLineParser parser = new PosixParser();
213 Options options = new Options();
214 CommandLine cmd = null;
215 Registry.reset();
216 // parses the command line
217 options.addOption("m", "master", false, "set this as master device.");
218 options.addOption("n", "name", true, "name for the PortaView.");
219 options.addOption("i", "ip", true, "this PortaView's address.");
220 options.addOption(
221 "c",
222 "connect",
223 true,
224 "connect to address (master ip address).");
225 options.addOption(
226 "a",
227 "album-dir",
228 true,
229 "the album directory (only if this PortaView is a master).");
230 try
231 {
232 cmd = parser.parse(options, args);
233 setupServer(cmd);
234 // get whether this is a master
235 Registry.setMaster(cmd.hasOption("m"));
236 // set the main instance to the registry.
237 Registry.setMainApplication(this);
238 }
239 catch (ParseException exp)
240 {
241 System.err.println("Illegal argument. Reason: " + exp.getMessage());
242 throw exp;
243 }
244 catch (Exception e)
245 {
246 System.err.println(
247 "May have illegal address or unknown problem. Reason: "
248 + e.toString());
249 throw e;
250 }
251 }
253 /***
254 * Starting point for PortaView's main execution.
255 * @param args command-line arguments
256 */
257 public static void main(String[] args)
258 {
259 String[] gargs = getGUIArgs(args);
260 PortaViewMain pv = null;
261 try
262 {
263 pv = new PortaViewMain(gargs);
264 pv.start();
265 pv.setVisible(true);
266 }
267 catch (Exception e)
268 {
269 if (pv != null)
270 pv.shutdown();
271 System.err.println(e.toString());
272 e.printStackTrace();
273 System.exit(1);
274 }
275 }
277 /***
278 * If the user does not type in a command line argument, pop up a box
279 * for them to type it in.
280 * @return the new command line argument after prompting the user
281 * if args does not contain anything.
282 */
283 public static String[] getGUIArgs(String[] args)
284 {
285 if (args.length == 0)
286 {
287 // Ask whether this is a master PortaView
288 boolean isMaster = true;
289 int answer =
290 JOptionPane.showConfirmDialog(
291 null,
292 "Is this a Master PortaView?\n"
293 + "(If this PortaView is a Slave PortaView, select 'No'",
294 "Master PortaView?",
295 JOptionPane.YES_NO_OPTION);
296 if (answer == JOptionPane.NO_OPTION)
297 {
298 isMaster = false;
299 }
300 String name = "Untitled";
301 name = JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Name of this PortaView?", name);
302 String ip = "";
303 ip =
304 JOptionPane.showInputDialog(
305 "PortaView Internet Protocol Address:\n"
306 + "This address should be an IP address that is\n"
307 + "visible to external network.",
308 ip);
309 String masterIp = ip;
310 if (!isMaster)
311 {
312 masterIp =
313 JOptionPane.showInputDialog(
314 "Master PortaView IP Address",
315 "");
316 }
318 String repo = "src/test/test/portaview/images";
319 if (isMaster)
320 repo = JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Album directory?", repo);
321 if (isMaster)
322 {
323 String[] rtnMaster =
324 { "-m", "-n", name, "-i", ip, "-c", masterIp, "-a", repo };
325 return rtnMaster;
326 }
327 else
328 {
330 String[] rtnSlave = { "-n", name, "-i", ip, "-c", masterIp };
331 return rtnSlave;
332 }
334 }
335 return args;
336 }
338 /***
339 * Populate the frame with the main panel.
340 * @param panel
341 */
342 private static void populateFrame(JFrame frame, Component c)
343 {
344 frame.getContentPane().setLayout(new BorderLayout());
345 frame.getContentPane().add(c, BorderLayout.CENTER);
346 JScrollPane scroll = new JScrollPane(_debugPanel);
347 scroll.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(300, 100));
348 scroll.setHorizontalScrollBarPolicy(
350 frame.getContentPane().add(scroll, BorderLayout.SOUTH);
351 }
353 /***
354 * Starts the main application.
355 */
356 public void start() throws Exception
357 {
358 Registry.getServer().start();
359 PortaViewCollection pvc =
360 Registry.getServer().getRegisteredPortaViews();
361 pvc.add(thisPortaViewModel);
362 // force the views that based on this portview model to refresh
363 thisPortaViewModel.forceNotifyObservers();
364 //select the first PortaView
365 portaViewPanel.selectFirst();
366 if (!Registry.isMaster())
367 {
368 Registry.getClient().registerWithMaster();
369 }
371 // Initailize the preview controller
372 PortaViewModel pvm = getThisPortaViewModel();
373 // populate the album panel. It'll take a long time.
374 Registry.getServer().setAlbums(
375 Registry.getClient().getAlbumsFromMaster());
376 albumPanel.refresh();
377 }
379 /***
380 * Closes all the resources that this PortaView opens.
381 */
382 public void shutdown()
383 {
384 // If this is a slave server, then we unregister with the master
385 if (!Registry.isMaster())
386 Registry.getClient().unregisterWithMaster();
387 Registry.getServer().shutdown();
388 }
390 /***
391 * The listener that handles the windows exit event. It'll try to shutdown the
392 * server and exit.
393 *
394 * @return a window listener that just call System.exist(0);
395 */
396 protected WindowAdapter getDefaultWindowAdapter()
397 {
398 WindowAdapter rtn = (new WindowAdapter()
399 {
400 public void windowClosing(WindowEvent e)
401 {
402 Log.debug("Shutting down the server.");
403 shutdown();
404 System.exit(0);
405 }
407 public void windowDeiconified(WindowEvent e)
408 {
409 }
411 public void windowIconified(WindowEvent e)
412 {
413 }
414 });
415 return rtn;
416 }
418 /***
419 * @return
420 */
421 public Displayer getDisplayer()
422 {
423 return displayer;
424 }
426 /***
427 * @return
428 */
429 public Previewer getPreview()
430 {
431 return preview;
432 }
434 /***
435 * @param displayer
436 */
437 public void setDisplayer(Displayer displayer)
438 {
439 this.displayer = displayer;
440 }
442 /***
443 * @param previewer
444 */
445 public void setPreview(Previewer previewer)
446 {
447 preview = previewer;
448 }
450 /***
451 * @return
452 */
453 public PortaViewModel getThisPortaViewModel()
454 {
455 return thisPortaViewModel;
456 }
458 /***
459 * @param model
460 */
461 public void setThisPortaViewModel(PortaViewModel model)
462 {
463 thisPortaViewModel = model;
464 }
466 /***
467 * @return
468 */
469 public boolean isDisplayActive()
470 {
471 return displayActive;
472 }
474 /***
475 * @param b
476 */
477 public void setDisplayActive(boolean b)
478 {
479 displayActive = b;
480 // if deactive the display, we need to refresh the preview panel and
481 // all the portaviews icons.
482 if (!b)
483 {
484 getPreview().getView().refresh();
485 portaViewPanel.refresh();
486 }
487 }
489 }
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